About Katie Trussell

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So far Katie Trussell has created 112 blog entries.

A few simple things I ate and you should too


Let's explore some simple and quick to prepare meals that warm the heart and fuel those intentions. Everything here is wholesome to boot and can be eaten year round, at any time of day. Each of these dishes is loaded with fiber, invigorating spices, easy to find ingredients and happen to be inexpensive. Stewed Pumpkin [...]

A few simple things I ate and you should too2023-02-28T20:44:21-10:00

Can you heal your eating disorder with a plant based lifestyle?


I've been eating things that grow from the ground and on trees for the bulk of my life. I went semi-vegan when I was 15 whereby I omitted all fried foods, junk foods, soda, red meat and poultry. I was that nerd of a kid who rather than hang out with her friends after school [...]

Can you heal your eating disorder with a plant based lifestyle?2023-01-19T06:03:13-10:00

Your Food Freedom Meal Plan


Let's get started We all love a bit of guidance, especially in the beginning, or when we're struggling. Use this lovingly: Portion sizes are 100% dependent on your body, weight loss/maintenance goals and needs. I encourage you explore an un-calculated approach to measuring your food based on how hungry you are and other pertinent circumstances. [...]

Your Food Freedom Meal Plan2022-12-16T22:02:15-10:00

I’m still healing. Always


Some days pass where I forget where I came from - I won't lie. It's been so long since I was in the throes of the eating disorder that robbed me of so much peace that all I could think about was "righting my wrongs," and "being better." As if being too present, too here [...]

I’m still healing. Always2022-12-14T11:42:30-10:00

Peach Chia Waffles using gluten free muffin mix


Here's an EASY waffle rendition you should try the next time you have a free morning, a cozy corner and a lotta self love to give. 1 box of gluten free waffle mix use 3 tbsp chia seed to replace the eggs + 1 +1/4 cup water or almond milk (this replaces the liquid from [...]

Peach Chia Waffles using gluten free muffin mix2022-12-14T06:39:51-10:00

Imperfect conscious decisions


It took me 30 minutes to figure out what I wanted to eat this morning. Right after I decided I wasn't going to go to the yoga studio and that I wasn't in the mood to work out my attention was drawn to breakfast - the fridge is nearing emptiness, the resources are begging for [...]

Imperfect conscious decisions2022-12-12T13:05:32-10:00

Pssst! Here’s what I’m eating on my social media hiatus


If there is one thing I do well it's feed my body. So when I opted to take a month off of social media I figured why not document just what I mean. Let's get one important thing out of the way: does everything I eat need to be organic, "clean?" (by modern societal standards), [...]

Pssst! Here’s what I’m eating on my social media hiatus2022-12-25T08:38:36-10:00

How to listen to your body


Here is a concrete, no fluff, list of ways you can connect more deeply to your body so your choices can be made clearly, intuitively and in alignment with your intentions. But first - make sure this initial list is checked off = because if you're struggling to listen to your body and one or [...]

How to listen to your body2023-01-20T16:41:53-10:00

Starved of Devotion – the Honest Body


Eating will always be an essential gesture we make to ourselves. Vanilla almond based ice cream, date & pea protein balls, roasted pears. What is devotion? An earnest attachment to a cause. I began this blog post a few days ago. I got two paragraphs in and was saddened at my own recounting [...]

Starved of Devotion – the Honest Body2022-12-23T20:40:45-10:00

Take a look at the November Body Reset!


13 down, forever to go. The quarterly body reset - if I haven't reiterated it enough - has become my life. What a beautiful unfolding, and to share it with you has been the biggest gift of all. There's a memorable saying - be generous, because the greatest gifts we receive are those we give [...]

Take a look at the November Body Reset!2022-11-12T20:12:56-10:00


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