About Katie Zarko

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So far Katie Zarko has created 112 blog entries.

Let’s talk DIETING & weight loss.


A recent chat with a client: "Give me some insight into what your daily intake looks like - food journal style: And would u say that’s your usual?  Is there any particular day or times that u struggle to maintain that routine?  Nights/weekends?  Whats your movement like?" Most diets present as wholesome but it’s the [...]

Let’s talk DIETING & weight loss.2024-03-27T11:10:36-10:00

Discarding Food Rules is the ultimate freedom


In an age when Intermittent Fasting is rampant and men, especially, are taking it by the reins to achieve the bodies they've long for and deserve - women are jumping on that well-deserved train too. Who hasn't earned the benefits of fasting....right? Here's the tough thing; no one's better at fasting than a girl who [...]

Discarding Food Rules is the ultimate freedom2024-01-23T21:18:50-10:00

Vegan Dining in Honolulu


I'm only listing the places I go to - this is NOT an exhaustive list of Honolulu vegan dining. You can see YELP for that. I only want to guide you to places I dine at regularly that way I'm giving you my authentic experience/opinion. I've pinned this to my blog so I can continue [...]

Vegan Dining in Honolulu2024-01-20T08:01:50-10:00

Chickpea Flatbread/Crackers


Chickpea Flour Flatbread - Crackers First and foremost: vegan protein. Let's talk about it. In order to get all 9 essential amino acids it's crucial to eat a diet that is high in ....drum roll please.... variety. Did you think I was going to write that? I bet some of you imagined I'd suggest a [...]

Chickpea Flatbread/Crackers2024-01-18T10:26:09-10:00

My 8 month breast augmentation update


I get this question pretty often, both on social media and with friends. In a rather hush hush sort of way - some women want to keep it from public knowledge, others want to keep it from their husbands - either way it's so personal and I support that no matter your level of comfort. [...]

My 8 month breast augmentation update2024-03-07T08:41:12-10:00

How to fast without starving – a brief discussion of Intermittent Fasting


First, and most importantly is that I don't fast - not intentionally at least because if I was to fast on purpose, I'd drive myself crazy. That is the life of a recoveree - and of countless women I know, Eating Disorder or not. That said, it doesn't mean that there isn't reputable reason to [...]

How to fast without starving – a brief discussion of Intermittent Fasting2024-01-23T08:06:56-10:00

Really helpful things to do when going through something terrible.


I had the hardest week to date. Debilitating bad news. Walls caved in. Broken. Rage. Sadness. Fear.....the worst of it, shame. Some of the things I began doing to remediate myself were a given, others might seem weird, some you might fight or avoid all together...but I promise if you in the LEAST open your [...]

Really helpful things to do when going through something terrible.2023-11-10T21:09:11-10:00

Eating Disorders & Attachment Style


Watch my Youtube video here - basically all the information I include in this post but summarized Eating disorders & Attachment style 4 Reasons why those with Insecure Attachment develop eating disorders 1. Emotional dysregulation 2. Inaccurate self-beliefs 3. Perfectionism 4. Reduced mindfulness Let’s get specific. Here’s a breakdown of each Insecure Attachment [...]

Eating Disorders & Attachment Style2024-01-18T14:38:02-10:00


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