Therapeutic Eating is the fusion of intuitive eating and the therapeutic process. It encourages self awareness along with the experience of eating so we can feed all of us, not just our cravings. Much of the time how and what we choose to eat comes from a knee-jerk reaction to life’s stress, past wounds and fluctuations. Tapping gut consciousness and instilling therapeutic eating allows us to really feel into what it is we want while maintaining a sense of alignment.



Ingredients & Method: 1.5 cups of raw (unsalted, unroasted) cashews Cover cashews in filtered water Soak for 2 hours or overnight Add soaked cashews to a blender and cover to the 4 cup mark Add a pinch of Himalayan salt Blend on *high until smooth, about 30 seconds Pour into a quart sized jar - [...]

Homemade Cashew Milk – THE EASIST PLANT MILK YOU’LL EVER MAKE2021-11-13T08:33:28-10:00



Sober September REFLECTIONS. I remained abstinent from alcohol for 30 days. To be very clear: if you are reading this and know that alcohol is a serious problem for you, this article is not for you. Considering long time sobriety is worthy of discussion. Call me. We can talk about it. We can devise a sustainable [...]


The Forgiveness Crutch


I know when I'm at my best, or at least when I'm proud of how I feel. I know when it's time for important lessons despite begrudgingly accepting the fate of pain and sometimes regret or remorse (both quite toxic feelings). I know when I'm in a vulnerable place regardless of temptation. Batting its seductive [...]

The Forgiveness Crutch2021-09-07T23:07:54-10:00

Carbohydrates and why they make most women BETTER.


Once upon a time I tuned into a doctor say, "carbohydrates are a non-essential macronutrient." Without fat & protein we die, but without carbohydrates we simply live on and live without. This is because, despite the brain preferring glucose for fuel, it can - if it has to - survive off of ketones. This got [...]

Carbohydrates and why they make most women BETTER.2021-09-11T21:09:06-10:00

The Therapeutic Journey


Aloha friend - ever thought to yourself…Weight loss is temporary. Eventually our bodies hit a plateau and that “thing” we worked so consistently toward just kind of evens out - well then what? If the only way we experience success is by going up and down the scale then we may never quite learn the [...]

The Therapeutic Journey2021-09-02T15:39:13-10:00

I’m writing a cookbook – Here’s a sneak peak!


Once upon a time I said I'd never do this. I told myself and my audience that writing a cookbook would not be a pursuit, not an eventual one, not an imminent one, just not one I'd partake in. Too many cooks in the kitchen ya know? But, really Katie, why? So many delicious recipes, [...]

I’m writing a cookbook – Here’s a sneak peak!2021-08-26T05:42:12-10:00

The Emotional Body – the Good, Bad and the Constant


The August Reset is complete. It's wiggle time. So what does that mean? Each quarter I design these resets based off of the previous one - what worked, what didn't, what could use refining. I don't simply change them based on the "hard" days because quite frankly, cleansing is hard. Living without vices is hard. [...]

The Emotional Body – the Good, Bad and the Constant2021-08-26T06:14:15-10:00

It’s the ONE YEAR anniversary of the Body Reset!


  Howdy friend! Well if 2020 wasn’t enough, how’s the transition been into ‘21? To be honest, I’m humbled every time I reflect on what’s behind us because I know that what transpired fuels my steps ahead. Can you relate? If it wasn’t for the Body Reset, for me personally ( I recognize I’m biased!) [...]

It’s the ONE YEAR anniversary of the Body Reset!2021-07-01T10:56:43-10:00

Defining Yourself, Defining your Hunger


It’s important to understand our hunger - because when we don’t we end up feeding our bodies not from our hunger but from our lack of understanding. Let me explain.  I ask how you define your hunger because at one stage in my early life I didn’t know how to define mine. I didn’t know [...]

Defining Yourself, Defining your Hunger2021-08-26T05:46:56-10:00


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