I am a writer after all. Sometimes I need a place to express thoughts, feelings, emotions and general insights. This is where I do that.



Don’t rush to make up your mind. Knee jerk decision making keeps us stuck across the board. With food, with relationships, with our work. Knee jerk assumptions based on “having to fill the gap” now because I don’t like the discomfort of the space this creates in my life is like plugging a hole where [...]




Sober September REFLECTIONS. I remained abstinent from alcohol for 30 days. To be very clear: if you are reading this and know that alcohol is a serious problem for you, this article is not for you. Considering long time sobriety is worthy of discussion. Call me. We can talk about it. We can devise a sustainable [...]


The Forgiveness Crutch


I know when I'm at my best, or at least when I'm proud of how I feel. I know when it's time for important lessons despite begrudgingly accepting the fate of pain and sometimes regret or remorse (both quite toxic feelings). I know when I'm in a vulnerable place regardless of temptation. Batting its seductive [...]

The Forgiveness Crutch2021-09-07T23:07:54-10:00

Carbohydrates and why they make most women BETTER.


Once upon a time I tuned into a doctor say, "carbohydrates are a non-essential macronutrient." Without fat & protein we die, but without carbohydrates we simply live on and live without. This is because, despite the brain preferring glucose for fuel, it can - if it has to - survive off of ketones. This got [...]

Carbohydrates and why they make most women BETTER.2021-09-11T21:09:06-10:00

The Emotional Body – the Good, Bad and the Constant


The August Reset is complete. It's wiggle time. So what does that mean? Each quarter I design these resets based off of the previous one - what worked, what didn't, what could use refining. I don't simply change them based on the "hard" days because quite frankly, cleansing is hard. Living without vices is hard. [...]

The Emotional Body – the Good, Bad and the Constant2021-08-26T06:14:15-10:00

Defining Yourself, Defining your Hunger


It’s important to understand our hunger - because when we don’t we end up feeding our bodies not from our hunger but from our lack of understanding. Let me explain.  I ask how you define your hunger because at one stage in my early life I didn’t know how to define mine. I didn’t know [...]

Defining Yourself, Defining your Hunger2021-08-26T05:46:56-10:00

3 Diet Trends That Actually Work (but there’s a kicker).


These days all ways of eating fall under a basic category. Every diet that has surfaced emulates a way someone has eaten and the program they've designed around it - they may be a doctor or someone who has simply mastered weight loss, muscle growth, living long (or the observance of centennials such as The [...]

3 Diet Trends That Actually Work (but there’s a kicker).2021-06-17T22:19:25-10:00

Mom Guilt.


Sorry I suck at superficiality. If you fancy a read, here’s a story. Something between 2019-2021 amassed a plethora of “holy wtf” moments that I brave to say I’m not the only one looking over my shoulder like 😳 I hate to generalize here, but am I right? I wanted to share a big something [...]

Mom Guilt.2021-06-12T14:04:42-10:00

What happens after the Reset?


What happens when these 10 days are over? Isn't the Reset just another diet - you subscribe to it and then fall off of it only to reenter an old way of life? Only to establish that you've failed yet again and are stuck in "this body"? What happens when I go back to eating [...]

What happens after the Reset?2021-05-02T21:29:10-10:00

Cadbury & Cream


Hiya stranger. I know it’s Easter and all but my babes are with their dad and I can’t help but reflect on something I feel like sharing. For the last 3 years I’ve been working with meth & opiate addicts and their babies. There’s this common thread I just can’t let up. This body thing. [...]

Cadbury & Cream2021-06-14T09:44:57-10:00


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