The Emotional Body – the Good, Bad and the Constant


The August Reset is complete. It's wiggle time. So what does that mean? Each quarter I design these resets based off of the previous one - what worked, what didn't, what could use refining. I don't simply change them based on the "hard" days because quite frankly, cleansing is hard. Living without vices is hard. [...]

The Emotional Body – the Good, Bad and the Constant2021-08-26T06:14:15-10:00

Is all food neutral? Glorifying obesity.


Food & Nutrality I'm a bonafide eating disorder recoveree. Been freed from the majority of ailments that go hand in hand with living a life full of self hatred and body confusion. Been released from the binds of wrath that keep a woman imprisoned in her own skin. Been unimpinged from the unrelenting obsession. So [...]

Is all food neutral? Glorifying obesity.2021-01-17T14:31:03-10:00


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