Aloha friend – ever thought to yourself…Weight loss is temporary. Eventually our bodies hit a plateau and that “thing” we worked so consistently toward just kind of evens out – well then what? If the only way we experience success is by going up and down the scale then we may never quite learn the beauty of mending the mind // body duo.
Maybe you’re thinking to yourself – wouldn’t that be nice, getting to experience the curiosity of a plateau. Weight is a weighty issue. Keep in mind some folks actually struggle to gain it. Weight is multifaceted and complex. It’s also completely unique to you and your story.
We’re lucky to be alive amidst a time when things like the gut-brain axis, the microbiome, nutritional psychiatry and functional medicine set out to fill the gaps that the medical industry have ignored. There are highly educated, credentialed and cognizant creatures out there who understand that your unique experience carry the kind of weight you want to lose and the insight you wish to gain. I’m one of those creatures (or nerds) who interests themselves in all things nutrition and self improvement.
If all we know is WEIGHT LOSS and WEIGHT GAIN then we are missing out on an entire WORLD that exists in between. This world is the Therapeutic Journey and this is your invitation. We started with the program, branched into the Quarterly Body Resets and now we have the Journey. Here are a few things you can anticipate:
- Weekly Goal Setting, Group Accountability & Food Journaling
- A Break from Boredom
- Exclusive group content (Think: all those fun foodie photos I share in my Stories? You’ll learn the ins and outs of creative food preparation, how-to’s, save money, become more kitchen confident and 100% more organized and resourceful).
- Monthly Meet Ups
- Weekly Live Demos – I’m no Julie Childs but I know happy people are people who love what they eat! I’d love to share with you how I cook up my own happy (hint: it’s 50% food and 50% therapeutic process – ie. it goes beyond the kitchen and into your life, your body, your desires etc).
- Recipe shares – want to know how your fellow Journey-goers are benefitting from their own deep dive?
- The all inclusive monthly price of $89 awards you:
– The Therapeutic Eating Program valued at $297
-The Quarterly Body Resets valued at $45 (November, February, May & August)
– Ongoing support, exploration and my latest content
-Tips, tricks and ways to live in a Body you Love while feeding it what it needs & deserves
Need more support? Click here, meet your new community and let’s get started!
- Air Fryer Tempeh
- iced matcha & cacao date bites
- Pea Protein Cacao Bites