cranberries and tahini

  • Don’t eat something just because its been touted to help you lose weight
  • Don’t eat something that only tastes good in your mouth but not in your body
  • Veggies are nutrient dense superfoods. You don’t need to label yourself Vegan or Plant Based to enjoy a veggie-based lifestyle. Ie. you don’t need a label. Labels are limiting. Veggies are limitless.
  • Exercise is not a form of weight loss as much as it’s a source of connection to your body and mind. It is essential – but until exercise is revered for its mental benefits it will never be revered for its enough physical ones. 
  • Your genetic blue print was written in pencil. You can’t erase where you came from but you can define your future relationship to food and your body by way of your choices today.

Which is your favorite?  Which was resonates the most?

Let’s go a little more in depth shall we?

Don’t eat something just because its been touted to help you lose weight:

You are here, in your body, to reside within it and allow for it to be your beautiful unrelenting guide. If you choose to put things into your body by sheer force of will without any major (or minor, for that matter) intention, you will lose connection to your purpose. If your purpose is to find value in your self, food and your body, then what you feed it needs to feel satisfying. Straight up. This takes having an adventurous palate and attitude.

Don’t eat something that only tastes good in your mouth but not in your body

K. I love the taste of beer but my body hates how beer feels. I love the taste of bread but my body feels bloated and my skin breaks out when I eat it. I love the taste of salty aged cheese but my body feels weighted down and yucky when I eat it. I love the taste of fried food but the next day no matter which outfit I put on I’m wearing fried food. The point is, food has two functions: to taste good and to make us feel good. Food has an incredible way of following the one-way road principle when the gut-brain axis is a two way street. We gotta eat to feel good – sure not every meal is a fine dining or fast food pig out session, but the benefits FAR OUTWEIGH the sacrifice when you put wellness first. You’ll learn how to make simple food taste amazing and you’ll feel amazing as a result. See that picture with the cranberries above? Ya, I could have eaten a bowl of chocolate chips or ice cream because that would have tasted amazing but I chose something with feel good factors that also satisfied my hankering for fatty (tahini) sweetness (maple syrup & berries). Keep in mind: two way street. 

Veggies are nutrient dense superfoods. You don’t need to label yourself Vegan or Plant Based to enjoy a veggie-based lifestyle. Ie. you don’t need a label. Labels are limiting. Veggies are limitless.

This one needs little explanation. Veggies are life. Literally. They’re in their own category too. It’s not fruits and vegetables. It’s vegetables and then some or a little fruit. Fruit, as we know, contains quite a bit of natural sugar which is all good cuz it’s also loaded with fiber and vitamins…but, nothing trumps veggies, nope, nothin’. Loaded with things like fiber, phytonutrients and protein – yes protein – veggies are an essential part of wellness. Whatever you do, make veggies the major player in your diet. I don’t care what KETO Karen says, all bodies need plants. Ya heard?

Exercise is not a form of weight loss as much as it’s a source of connection to your body and mind. It is essential – however, until exercise is revered for its mental benefits it will never be revered enough for its physical ones. 

Please do not adopt any form of exercise as a means to lose weight. Adopt a form of exercise to help you 

  • sweat
  • detoxify
  • cultivate natural endorphins & dopamine
  • become more flexible
  • build strength

But please, under no circumstances, exercise to lose weight. You will hate exercise and that’s just sad because movement is essential, like veggies, but also like veggies you will hate them if you force them. Capisce? Goal = satisfaction. 

Your genetic blue print was written in pencil. You can’t erase where you came from but you can define your future relationship to food and your body by way of your choices today.

You are not your mom’s cancer, your grandfathers prostate, your cousins autoimmune disorder. You were handed some genes, yes, and some DNA, yes, but what you do today greatly impacts the way your genes express themselves tomorrow. Mmm’kay? The broccoli you eat today as opposed to the chicken wings or the smoothie you drink for breakfast as opposed to eating the doughnuts all determine how you express yourself later. I’m not shunning chicken and doughnuts, there’s room for them, no food should be demonized…but the impact of making conscious decisions most of the time is essential to changing over time. And it takes time. So give yourself time. Did I say time yet? You need to be patient. 

holding bowl of plant foods

Okay frans. All that said – 

Do you need to do some shifting? Addressing how you eat is a constant check-in thing. It’s not something you do and then stop doing once you figure it out. It’s not something you “get” and then finish. It evolves. We humans slip into patterns pretty easily. That’s why things like Body Resets and cleanses can be pretty powerful – but they need to happen regularly which is why I’ve made my Body Reset a quarterly thing. The last reset set some super powerful things in motion for me such as addressing some ways I overeat as well as ways I eat too infrequently. I’m not the perfect eater despite caring immensely about WHAT I eat. I’m always checking in. I’m always evolving. I’m always a work in progress. We all are.

That said – consider subscribing in the box below and staying breast with updates on my next Reset (hint, 11/1). Either that or message me HERE to hold you spot. I’m taking 15 people total – they’ll fill fast. 

Sending much love to you and your BOD.