The Emotional Body – the Good, Bad and the Constant


The August Reset is complete. It's wiggle time. So what does that mean? Each quarter I design these resets based off of the previous one - what worked, what didn't, what could use refining. I don't simply change them based on the "hard" days because quite frankly, cleansing is hard. Living without vices is hard. [...]

The Emotional Body – the Good, Bad and the Constant2021-08-26T06:14:15-10:00

What happens after the Reset?


What happens when these 10 days are over? Isn't the Reset just another diet - you subscribe to it and then fall off of it only to reenter an old way of life? Only to establish that you've failed yet again and are stuck in "this body"? What happens when I go back to eating [...]

What happens after the Reset?2021-05-02T21:29:10-10:00

Healthy Obsessions


Few obsessions are actually healthy but let's be honest - most of us obsess about something and once we're done obsessing about one thing, we obsess about another. Alcohol addiction becomes addiction to carbonated water. Cigarette addiction becomes addiction to lollipops. Food addiction becomes addiction to diets (we misplace God for Vegan cheese, that kinda [...]

Healthy Obsessions2021-01-13T18:59:05-10:00


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