This May your document is chock full of prerecorded videos to help you prepare. I’m offering 3 Microsoft Teams meetings on May 1, 4 & 9th at 8 a.m. Hawaii Time. I’ve also compiled several documents to help you stay the course such as shopping lists, lists of non-negotiable and ways to wiggle your way into more self love as well as Therapeutic Eating Principles and Reset Mentality tips. Let’s Spring forward! xo
The Therapeutic Eating™ Comprehensive Body Reset
Life beckons a bit of cleanup. This reset is designed to get you on the path and help to establish new behaviors with food & eating. The key word is behavior. When we are intentional in one area, we become intentional elsewhere. Nourishment is equally about food as it is about all of our choices. Participate in the Therapeutic Eating principles as best as you can and be accountable to the group. Our tastes will naturally differ so use the guidelines and recipes as a template and tinker with ingredients as you see fit. During your reset you will want to simplify your ingredients and prepare in advance each day such as making 1-2 batches of pureed soup, having veggies on handy that you can easily stir fry, keeping fresh fruit at the ready and frozen for smoothies etc.
Things to expect:
- omit intoxicants
- eliminate refined sugar
- eat primarily plant foods * if your lifestyle requires that you eat meat, I suggest foregoing all dairy and opting for lean protein sources and wherever possible, substitute plant proteins
- follow the main principles of: sit down to eat, eat what’s on your plate (you’ll understand why) and eat 3 meals.
- you’ll likely lose water weight, drop a few lbs and fit into your clothes really nicely
- while weight loss might be a natural by-product, the reset is not entirely about losing weight but being at peace in your body, calming the nervous system and realigning with your deeper intentions
- move your body DAILY. Walk if nothing else. Create a rhythm and a routine with exercise.
- work between your meals not during. Make this your most productive reset yet by putting work and eating in its place – practice mindfulness. Avoid reading, multitasking, researching, driving etc (but enjoy some music!)
- While food is highly pleasurable – it can be distracting. It’s important to learn to gravitate toward wholesome ingredients so the lure of food is as much about fueling your body as opposed to fueling your cravings.
How you can prepare:
- shop according to the shopping list – explore ingredients your curious about, try new fruits and veggies
- share your intentions, your struggles, your inspirations, ask questions
- take photos of your food, trust me this is a BIG help
- if you identify as a woman and live in a female body that still bleeds, chart your cycle!
- You’ll see the in documents I provide you have some standard reset recipes and some suggested structure. You can adhere to the suggested guidelines to a T or you can follow loosely, as long as you stick to the basic principles of mindfulness.
- You can Venmo if that’s easier: @therapeuticeating_katie I’m also just a text away so lean on me for support, 808-652-7890
Next steps:
- text: 808-652-7890 “Monthly Body Reset”
Each reset depends on what YOU BRING to the table. Expect surprises!
Excited to have you along, xo Katie