All purpose (organic) flour – 3 cups
Carob Powder – 1 cup
Unrefined cane sugar – 3/4 cup
Bananas – 3 medium, reserve 1
Cardamom – 3 tsp
Baking Soda – 1 tsp
Vanilla – 1 tsp
Sea Salt – 1/2 tsp
Soy milk – 1 cup
Water – 1/2 cup
Cooking spray for a loaf pan
*you could try making this gluten free but I can’t guarantee the results? I’m sure it would still be lovely.
This is mostly a “1 bowl cake” meaning you’ll add all the ingredients into a bowl – it’s just easier that way and we’re not overly technical are we?
Start by mashing the banana in the bowl, then add all the other ingredients 1 by 1. The reason I put the soy milk/water last is because you want to see first how the above ingredients combine, then add liquid to create a batter. Once your ingredients are combined, add the cup of soy milk – stir – then add the water – stir. You might need to add a little more water. You’re going for a thick batter but not stiff or dry.
Coat your loaf pan with cooking spray. Pour in batter and spread evenly. Top with long thin slices of banana.
BAKE at 375 degrees for 45 minutes.
Remove and cool.
I LOVED eating this with shaved apple mixed with pb2. The flavor combo was somewhat childlike, but refined.

The top, if you’re lucky (because my baking always has an element of “luck” involved) will come out a little gooey. It’s better that way. YUM!