Hey you – here are some meal ideas to keep you nourished, moving and groovin’ through this stay at home mandate. I don’t think there has ever been a better opportunity in our lifetime to slow down, tap in, tune into what we want and begin the process of attracting more of it. Whatever “that” is.
I’m producing and editing my next vlog on exactly that – stay tuned. This is a visual representation of some meal ideas and foods I’ve been eating on a regular basis – though I rarely eat the same thing twice considering mixing it up to keep things exciting. Goodness knows we’re all craving something bit exciting – no!? Start with your food – since it’s what’s in your control.
And as a good rule of thumb, 1. start with kindness 2. tune into what your body is asking for 3. go back to kindness 4. execute.
shooooots! (Hawaiian slang for, let’s do this!)

#meaprep #plantbasedmealprep #eatmoreplants #katietrussell #eathealthyduringcovid19