Ever heard of a diet that shuns fruit?
Big red flag.
Fruit Bowls are life. Consider making this trail mix and top it on all your salads or eat it as is – if you wanna be a true hippy that is – as an alternative to generic cereal.

Consider chopped fruit like cantaloupe, apple and blueberries. Top with shredded coconut, hemp seeds and trail mix.

Here’s another fancy idea – Smoothie Soup – a bit like the smoothie bowl but just a little bit thinner.
This is a mix frozen blueberries, banana, mix power greens (kale, chard, spinach), turmeric (+ a few cracks of black pepper to help the turmeric to absorb properly) chlorophyll tablets and a probiotic powder. Topped with Almond Milk and blended smooth. Topped with raw oats and more of that yummy versatile trail mix. Mmm. Definitely a keeper.

#reinventyourbreakfast #redefineyourmeals #fruitbowls #smoothiebowls