How to listen to your body


Here is a concrete, no fluff, list of ways you can connect more deeply to your body so your choices can be made clearly, intuitively and in alignment with your intentions. But first - make sure this initial list is checked off = because if you're struggling to listen to your body and one or [...]

How to listen to your body2023-01-20T16:41:53-10:00



Don’t rush to make up your mind. Knee jerk decision making keeps us stuck across the board. With food, with relationships, with our work. Knee jerk assumptions based on “having to fill the gap” now because I don’t like the discomfort of the space this creates in my life is like plugging a hole where [...]


Defining Yourself, Defining your Hunger


It’s important to understand our hunger - because when we don’t we end up feeding our bodies not from our hunger but from our lack of understanding. Let me explain.  I ask how you define your hunger because at one stage in my early life I didn’t know how to define mine. I didn’t know [...]

Defining Yourself, Defining your Hunger2021-08-26T05:46:56-10:00


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